Knowledge Resources

Group Head
  • Dr. P.N. Mishra's picture

    Dr. Paras Mishra

    Phone: 0657-2345113, 09608137157, 0657-2346091


SCI Publications and Citations

123 SCI and 40 NON-SCI papers were published from CSIR-NML during Jan-Dec, 2020. These papers are regularly uploaded in Laboratory's Institutional Repository. The citation of the cumulative SCI publications (1986 onwards) from CSIR-NML has increased from 5610 (in 2008) to 48304 (till June 30, 2020) registering an increase of 6.81 fold in the citation growth. The average citation per paper is 15.10 against 13.20 in the last year. 120 articles received more than 75 citations/paper (source: Web of science/Google scholar) as on March 31, 2020.


Growth of Research Publications, Citation and NML IR (Eprints)



Average Citation per paper

CSIR-NML H-index and Average Citation per paper

Institutional Repository

The CSIR-NML Institutional repository ( has maintained its global visibility and achieved 26 fold increases in tariff, popularity with average hits of over 0.238 million per month and a cumulative over 19.84 million hits since inception (2009). The researchers from 197 countries have accessed NML repository database. Among the global users, the top fifteen countries in decreasing order are United States, India, Russia, China, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Brazil, Denmark, Japan, Spain, and so on.


NML Eprints in terms of No. of Countries & hits / downloads

Transparency Portal

The CSIR-NML Transparency  portal (  containing  all information pertaining to staff pay & allowances, foreign and local travel, expenditure pattern, payment to the vendor, local purchase data, works and services, CAG report, etc. has been updated periodically. This catered to the information need of a citizen due to its global access. It can be mentioned here that CSIR-NML launched transparency portal in May 2012.

Information under RTI Act

During the reporting period, 71 applications were received and all of them were responded to within the time schedule. So far, none appeal was referred to Central Information Commissioner (CIC) for review. The data regarding RTI has also been uploaded in laboratory's Transparency portal.

Information Products

  • CSIR-NML Annual Report 2017-2018 (English & Hindi)
  • CSIR-NML Brochures / Posters
  • Director's Desk - November 2020
  • CSIR-NML Record Book 2020
  • Journal of Metallurgy & Materials Science (2019)