Societal Mission
CSIR-NML has initiated several programmes to reach out to the society through upgrading traditional technology and implementing appropriate innovation relevant to social/rural sector.
CSIR-NML has developed fuel efficient and eco-friendly furnace for brassware artisans replacing their traditional coke fired furnaces which are grossly fuel inefficient and polluting.
This has resulted in: Reduction in energy consumption by 25% Reduction in melting cycle time by 20% Increase of productivity by 25% Significant reduction in pollution Cooler working ambience

CSIR-NML has developed and commercialized anti-tarnishing lacquer to prevent tarnishing of brass handicrafts for long duration of several years. The lacquer is cheap, easy to use (brushing, spraying or dipping), and do not require baking. The lacquer has helped brass artisans of Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Tamil Nadu to produce tarnish resistant brass handicrafts.