Research Planning and Business Development Division
RPBD functions in different verticals viz. Business Development & Client Interfacing, Research Management, Information Systems & Database Management, Negotiations & Contracts, IP Services and Technology Marketing. The Division interacts with various internal and external stakeholders to perform its functions viz. Researchers, Customers, Headquarters and Governing Bodies. The division has competent manpower viz. Scientists, Technical Officers and Project Staff to cater to the variety of needs of the stakeholders’.

Technology Marketing
CSIR-NML has a bundle of Technologies and Products ready for commercialization, and a number of them are already in market. Second Edition of the “Technology Handbook” was published containing more than 60 technologies that CSIR-NML can presently offer. The Division strives to ensure that the Technological solutions on offer reach a suitable market place. Industrial /business meets and presentations are organized time-to-time by the Division to create awareness amongst the industries of various sectors about the available technologies.
Technology Incubation
Aligning with the policy of central government to create a conducive entrepreneurial eco- system in India, CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML) established a section 8 company named CSIR-NML Technology and Business Incubation Centre [NML-TBIC] at Jamshedpur. This facility can be availed by the entrepreneurs utilizing one of the CSIR-NML technologies.
IP Services
Business Development group provides IP search and analysis services to its clients as well as in various projects undertaken by the Laboratory during 2018-19. The group comprises a dedicated team, having cutting edge tools and database resources to deliver such jobs to its clients on time. During 2020-21 the business Development group provided (i) IP search and Analysis, (ii) Evaluation of FTO Space, (iii) Patent Landscaping, (iv) Patent portfolio Analysis, (v) Patent Mapping, (vi) Patent Citation Analysis, (vi) White Space Mapping and (vii) Competitive Intelligence services in various technological domains in the area of Minerals, Materials and Metals.

What More We Do?
Scientific & Technical Services
RPBD provides S&T Service to its customers (Internal / External) through testing of their raw material /product, within the facilities & expertise domain of the laboratory. Based on the nature of jobs, the pricing and duration is negotiated with the customer and further, the relevant experts are associated with the jobs. A number of testing solutions are provided to various organizations every year. Last year the testing services were provided to the customers like: Desmet Reagent Pvt. Ltd., Jamshedpur; Oswal Engineering & Co., Jamshedpur; Kalyani Steel Limited, Karnataka; Indian Steel & Wire Products Limited, Jamshedpur; Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur; Tata Pigment Limited, Jamshedpur; Tinplate Company of India Limited, Jamshedpur; Central Coalfield Limited, Ramgarh; Jamil Limited, Jamshedpur; Nuvoco Vistas Corp Limited, Jamshedpur; Easel Mining & Industries Limited, Gujarat; Inspectorate Griffith India Pvt. Limited, Kolkata; Uranium Corporation of India Limited, Jadugura; Star Wire (India) Limited, Haryana; Customs, Haldia; Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Bhilai; and Customs, Chennai