Name : Mr.Sudhakara Kogapu
Designation : Technical Officer
Contact Information :
- Email id :
- Mobile/Phone no: 06572345207
Educational Qualification : Master of Technology
Areas of Expertise : Interested in metals and fascinated by alloys and their transformations. Knew a thing or two about welding metallurgy and engineering.
Now, creating a niche area in Intellectual property rights and management.
No. of Papers Published : 02
- International : Influence of niobium microalloying on the microstructure and mechanical properties of high carbon nano bainitic steel, January 2019, Procedia Structural Integrity 14:729-737
- National : NA
No.of.Patents : NA
- Awarded : --
- Filed : --
No.of.Technologies : NA
- Developed : --
- Transferred : --
Equipment/Software Skills : Questel Orbit Patent Database, Google Studio. Soon, will add more skills here.
Awards and Recognitions : NA
A boring sales engineer turned aspiring researcher. A modern maverick who likes to travel and loves to explore the unexplored.An avid reader of books & minds also a true sports enthusiast.