Name : Dr.Trilochan Mishra
Designation : Senior Principal Scientist
Contact Information :
- Email id :
- Mobile/Phone no: 2345084
Educational Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D.
Areas of Expertise : 1. Material & Surface Science 2. Environmental catalysis 3. Nanomaterials synthesis and application
No. of Papers Published : More than 50 SCI publications, 4 book chapters and 7 patents with h-index of 26
- International : 1. K. M. Parida and T. Mishra. J. Colloid and Interface Science, 179 233(1996). (IF: 7.489) 2. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida and S. B. Rao, J. Colloid and Interface Science 183, 176(1996). (IF: 7.489) 3. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida and S. B. Rao, J. Mater. Chem., 7, 147(1997). (IF: 7.02) 4. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida, J. Mol. Catal. 121, 91(1997).(IF: 3.68) 5. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida and S. B. Rao, Appl. Catal., A, 166, 115(1998). (IF:5.0) 6. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida, Appl. Catal. A, 166, 123(1998). (IF:5.0) 7. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida and S. B. Rao, Studies in Surface Sci. Catal., 113, 963(1998). 8. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida and S. B. Rao, Sep. Sci. Technol., 33(7), 1057(1998). 9. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida, Appl. Catal., A, 174, 91(1998). .(IF:5.0) 10. K. M. Parida, M. Acharya, S. K. Samantaray and T. Mishra., J. Colloid and Interface Sci., 217, 388(1999). IF: 7.489 11. K. M. Parida, T. Mishra, D. Das and S. N. Chintalpuri, Appl. Clay Sci., 15, 463(1999). (IF: 3.89) 12. S. K. Samantaray, T. Mishra and K. M. Parida, J. Mol. Catal., 156, 267(2000). ).(IF: 3.68) 13. K. M. Parida, M. Acharya and T. Mishra, J. Mol. Catal., 164, 217(2000). ).(IF: 3.68) 14. T. Mishra, S. K. Tiwari, N. N. Das and B. Mahato; J. Metallurgy and Material Sci., 45(2003) 193. 15. T. Mishra, K. M. Parida; J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 301 (2006)554. (IF: 7.489) 16. T. Mishra, S. K. Tiwari, J. Hazrd. Mater. B, 137(2006) 299.(IF: 9.04) 17. P. Mohapatra, T. Mishra and K. M. Parida; J. Appl. Catal, A 310 (2006) 183.(IF:5.0) 18. S. K. Tiwari, T. Mishra, M. K. Gunjan, A. Bhattacharya, T. B. Singh, R. Singh.; J. Surf. Coat. Technol. 201(2007) 7582-88. (IF: 3.78) 19.T. Mishra, J. Hait, Noor Aman, R. K. Jana and S. Chakraborty; J. Colloid. Interface Sci., 316 (2007)80-84. (IF: 7.489) 20. T. Mishra; Catal. Comm. 9 (2008) 21. (IF: 3.6) 21. T. Mishra*, P. Mahapatra and K. M. Parida, Appl. Catal, B 79 (2008) 279-285.(IF: 16.68) 22. A. Sinha, T. Mishra and N. Ravishankar; J. Mater. Sci: Mater. Med., 19 (2008) 2009.(IF: 2.5) 23. R. K. Sahu, A. K. Ray, S. Sundar Manoharan, S. Arora, T. Mishra, S-H. Lim, L.G. Salamanca-Riba, D. C. Kundaliya and L. C. Pathak; Procd. Magnetic Materials, Am. Inst. Phys. 2008, p100-102. 24R. K. Sahu, A. K.Ray, T. Mishra, L. C. Pathak; Crystal Growth & Dign. 8 (2008) 3754-60. ( IF: 4.21) 25. T. Mishra, J. Hatti, Noor Aman, R. K. Jana, M. Gunjan, B. Mahato; J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 327 (2008)377-83 (IF:7.489) 26. A. Sinha, A. K. Gupta, A. K. Paramanic, S. Nayar, M. K. Gunjan, T. Mishra, N. C. Bhatt, N. Vishwanath, S. Das, Mater. Sci. Engg. C 29(2009)779-784 (IF:5.88) 27. R. K. Sahu, D. Mukherjee, J. P. Tiwari, T. Mishra, S. K. Roy, L. C. Pathak, J. Mater. Chem 19 (2009) 6810 (IF: 7.02) 28. S. Gupta, A. K. Pramanick, A. Kailath, T.Mishra, A. Guha, S. Nayar, A. Sinha; Colloid and Surf. B : Biointerfaces 74 (2009) 186–190 IF: 2.5 29. T. Mishra, R. K. Sahu, S. H. Lim, L. G. Salamanca-Riba, S. Bhattacharjee; Mater. Chem. Phys. 123 (2010) 540–545 (IF: 3.4) 30. Noor Aman, T. Mishra, R. K. Sahu, J. P. Tiwari; J. Mater. Chem.20 (2010) 10876-10882 (IF:5.7) 31. Noor Aman. T. Mishra, J. Hait, R. K. Jana; J. Hazrd Mater 186 (2011) 360–366 (IF: 9.04) 32. T. Mishra, M. Mahato, Noor Aman, J. N. Patel, R. K. Sahu; Catal Sci. Technol. 1 (2011) 609–615 (IF-5.72) (Article highlighted in RSC blog.), 33. P. K. Satapathy, R. K. Behera, A. K. Nayak, T. Mishra, Asian J Chem. 23 (2011) 3055-3058 4. R. K. Sahu, K. Ganguli, T. Mishra, M. Mishra, R. S. Ningthoujam, S. K. Roy, L. C. Pathak, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 366 (2012) 8-15. (IF: 7.489) 35. A. K Pramanick, S. Gupta, T. Mishra, A. Sinha, Mater. Sc. Engg. C 32(2012) 222. (IF: 5.88) 36. Noor Aman, P. K. Satapathy, T. Mishra, M. Mahato, N. N. Das; Mater Res Bullt 37 (2012) 179-183. (IF: 4.02) 37. A. Mohanty, S. K. Tiwari, T. Mishra, S. Chakravarty, Science & Culture, 78 (2012) 550-552 38. Y.N. Singhababu, D. Dadhich, K.K. Sahu, A. K. Paramanic, T. Mishra, R. K. Sahu, J. Mater. Chem. C 1 (2013), 958-966. (IF: 7.02) 39. Noor Aman, T. Mishra in Mater Sci Forum 734 (2013) 186-214 40. T. Mishra, S. K. Tiwari, A. K. Mohanty, Key Engineering Materials 571(2013) 93-109. 41. P. Mohapatra, T. Mishra, K. M. Parida, Key Engineering Materials, 571(2013) 71-91. 42. T. Mishra, L. Wang, R. Hahn, P. Schmuki, Electrochimica Acta 132 (2014) 410-15. (IF: 6.21) 43. N Aman, N N Das, T. Mishra, J. Environ Chem Engg, 4(2016) 191–196. (IF:4.3) 44. T. Mishra, D K Mahato, J. Environ Chem Engg, 4(2016) 1224-1230. (IF:4.3) 45. SK Mishra, V Kumar, SK Tiwari, T Mishra, G Angula, Thin Solid Films 619(2016) 202-207. (IF: 2.0) 46. BS Yadav, RK Sahu, AK Pramanick, T Mishra, A Alam, M Bharti, S. Nayar, Mater Today Commun, 18 (2019) 167-175. (IF: 2.678) 47. D. Magadevan, E Dhivya, N D A Mundari, T Mishra, N Aman, J. Environ Chem Engg, 7(2019) 102968. (IF:4.3) 48. E Dhivyaa , D Magadevana , Y Palguna, T. Mishra, Noor Aman, J. Environ Chem Engg, 7(2019) 103240. (IF:4.3) 49. M Mahato, S Mukherjee and T Mishra*, Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 105544. (IF:1.93) 50. S. Kumar, T. Mishra, A Mahata, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 252 (2020) 123280 (IF:3.4) 51. S. Kumar, T. Mishra, J Molecular Liquids, 314 ( 2020) 113671 (IF:5.065) BOOK CHAPTER 1. Transition metal oxide pillared clay catalyst: Synthesis to application T. Mishra in Pillared clays and related catalysts, A. Gill, Sophia A. Korili, Raquel Trujillano (Eds), Springer, New York, 2010, pp99-128 2. S. Kumar, T. Mishra, Organization of Bio-molecules in Bulk and over Nano-substrate: Perspective to the Molecular Dynamics, Chapter 7 in "Biointerface Engineering: Prospects in medical diagnostics and drug delivery", Edt. P. Chandra, L. Pandey, 2020, Chepter-5, p. 149-166, Springer Nature 3. T. Mishra*, M. Mahato, S. K. Tiwari "Oxide based self cleaning and corrosion protective coatings" Chapter-5 in “Handbook of Modern Coating Technologies: Applications and Development, Vol 3”, Editor: M. Aliofkhazraei, A. Nasar, M. Chipara, N. B. Laidani, J. T.M. De Hosson, Elsevier (2020) 4. S. Das Chakrabarty, P. Bhattacharya, T. Mishra*, "Recent advances in 2D MXene based heterostructured photocatalytic materials" in "Sustainable Material Solutions for Solar Energy Technologies" (Eds.) Mariana A. Fraga, Delaina A. Amos, Savas Sönmezoglu and Velumani Subramaniam, Elsevier, 2020 (To be published)
- National : --
No.of.Patents : 1. Novel chromium and manganese mixed oxide pillared clay and a process for the preparation thereof. T. Mishra; Indian patent, Sept-2013 (0150NF2005/IN). 2. Improved process for preparation of synthetic calcium silicate hydrate. A. K. Bhattamishra, T. Mishra and R. Ravi Kumar; Indian Patent (Filed, 01118DEL2008) 3. An enhanced photocatalytic process for simultaneous reduction and oxidation of cations and anions in visible light. T. Mishra, J. Hait, Noor Aman and R. K. Jana (Pat No- 276082, dated 29.9.2016) 4. A process for preparation of polymeric N-acrylamido triazole compounds and the use thereof as anti tarnishing agents and corrosion inhibitors of copper and copper alloys, A K Mohanty, S K Tiwari, T Mishra, S Chakravarty (Pat. No.295594, dated 09/Apr/2018) 5. A closed loop system for simulating and monitoring corrosion properties in continuous flow condition, T. Mishra, K. K. Paul, R. kumar, R. Singh, S. K. Tiwari, L. Meena, B. Kumar, A. Bhardwaj, C. Tandi, (India, Filed no. 201711018193) 6. Compositionally Modulated Zn-Fe multilayered coatings for corrosion resistance and low hydrogen embrittlement, Stephen Gaydos, Vijaykumar Ijeri, Trilochan Mishra, Om Prakash, Raghuvir Singh, Shashi Tiwari. US Patent, 2018 (Filed with Boeing) 7. Transition metal carbides/nitrides/ carbonitrides and bimetallic chalcogenides based composite electrode preparation for energy storage application, P. Bhattacharya, T. Mishra, R. K. Sahu, A. Sinha, Filed in India 2020
- Awarded : --
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No.of.Technologies : 1. Transparent and protective lacquer for copper and brass surface. 2. Technology for "Closed loop corrosion test rig" An equipment for flow assisted corrosion study
- Developed : --
- Transferred : --
Equipment/Software Skills : Surface and material characterization with FTIR, UV-VIS-NIR and Raman Spectroscopy. Material porosity using BET technique.
Awards and Recognitions : 1. Young Chemist award-2007 by Orissa Chemical Society. 2. Hindustan platinum award of Catalysis workshop-2008, India. 3. Invited Member of Reader Panel of Nature journal. 2008-09. 4. Biography published in Marquis Who’s Who in the world, 2011. 5. Nijhawan Award-2011 for best publication 6. Shilabhadra prize for best in house project. 7. Raman Fellowship of CSIR, 2013 8. Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), London 2015 Editorial Role: I. Editorial board member of International Journal of Material and Chemistry and American Journal of Physical Chemistry (Science publisher, USA), Open Chemical Engineering Journal and Current Graphene Science (Bentham Publisher). II. Guest Editor of a special volume on “Layered clay material for functional application” (Trans Tech Pub.). III. Associate Editor of Frontier in Chemistry (2016-18). Members of Important committee • Member of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for Inorganic Chemical Section Committee (CHD-1) • Member of board of studies for department of Chemistry, CV Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar. • Organizing member of International seminar (ICNEES-2019), Bhubaneswar • Organizing member of International seminar on processing and characterization of Materials (ICPCM-2019) held at NIT, Rourkela