Name : Dr.Abhilash .
Designation : Principal Scientist
Contact Information :
- Email id :
- Mobile/Phone no: +91-657-2345274 (Office), +91-9431962767 (Mobile), +91-657-2346077 (Residence)
Educational Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D.
Areas of Expertise : 1. Hydro-Biohydrometallurgy
2. Waste Recycling
3. Rare Earth Extraction
4. WEEE recycling
5. Environmental Microbiology/Biotechnology
No. of Papers Published : 64
- International : 60
- National : 4
No.of.Patents : 11
- Awarded : 3
- Filed : 8
No.of.Technologies : 10
- Developed : --
- Transferred : --
Equipment/Software Skills : Computer Skills: Web authoring and designing, Operating systems, Business software, FACTSAGE, ORIGIN, HSC Chemistry
Bioinformatics tools: NCBI, BLAST, MEGA-6
Awards and Recognitions :
My current research focus is to devise integrated closed loop processes to extract critical metals (rare, strategic, precious and REEs) from secondaries and wastes by hybrid methods of extraction in tandem or in toto. My other research interests are biohydrometallurgy, battery recycling, environmental microbe-metal interactions.
I extensively use solution chemistry and lixivium-metal interaction as the basis for my research activities. My research publications can be accessed at Research Gate/Google Scholar.
Personal Website: