The scrutiny of credentials of submitted tenders took place on 24.01.2017 from 15.30 Hrs by opening of envelope-1 for the following works :-NIT No. NML/WSM/NIT/01 (17)/2016-2017 dated.04.01.2017 Name of work: Special Repair and Painting of 73 Nos. of type-II, 37 Nos. of type-III and 14 Nos. of type-IV quarters in Tuiladungri housing complex and modification of sewer line in pipeline for the year 2016-2017. Estimated Cost: Rs.43,80,232.00, Earnest Money : Rs. 87,610.00 & Time of Completion : Five Months.NIT No. NML/WSM/NIT/01 (18)/2016-2017 dated.04.01.2017 Name of work: Special repairs and painting of old-D type in NML Housing Complex, Agrico for the year 2016-17. Estimated Cost:Rs.16,67,928.00, Earnest Money : Rs.33,360.00 & Time of Completion : Five Months. The opening of envelope-2 for the above works will be take place for the qualified bidders in the office of WSM on 27.01.2017 from 15.00Hrs in the presence of tenderers or their representatives, if any.
Admin Tenders
NIT No. NML/WSM/NIT/01 (19)/2016-2017
Sealed tenders are invited from the Contractors working with CPWD, PWD, MES, Railways, Semi-Government Organization, Public Sector Undertakings, Tata Groups or those who have worked for CSIR or its laboratories/Institutes for the following works :-
Name of work: Annual Contract for Horticultural work and associated up-keeping of NML Main Campus & Director's Bungalow, Jamshedpur (2016-2017). Estimated Cost: Rs.11,45,964.00, Earnest Money : Rs. 22,920.00 & Time of Completion : Twelve Months
The last date of submission of tenders will be 02.02.2017 upto 15.00 Hrs.
The scrutiny of credentials of submitted tenders took place on 02.02.2017 from 15.30 Hrs by opening of envelope-1 for the following works :-
NIT No. NML/WSM/NIT/01 (20)/2016-2017 dated.11.01.2017 Name of work: Providing Installing and commissioning of laboratory name at the left side of Granite steps of Main Building and left side of new Main Entrance in NML, Jamshedpur.
Estimated Cost:Rs.3,94,894.00, Earnest Money : Rs.8,000.00 & Time of Completion :
Four Months.
NIT No. NML/WSM/NIT/01 (21)/2016-2017 dated.11.01.2017 Name of work: Providing, Installing and Commissioning of laboratory name at the top ledge of Main Building of Main Campus in CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. Estimated Cost: Rs.2,99,580.00, Earnest Money : Rs. 6,000.00 & Time of Completion : Three Months.
The opening of envelope-2 for the above works will be take place for the qualified bidders in the office of WSM on 07.02.2017 from 15.30Hrs in the presence of tenderers or their representatives, if any.
The scrutiny of credentials of submitted tenders took place on 02.02.2017 from 15.30 Hrs by opening of envelope-1 for the NIT No. NML/WSM/NIT/01 (19)/2016-2017 dated.11.01.2017 Name of work: Annual Contract for Horticultural work and associated up-keeping of NML Main Campus & Director's Bungalow, Jamshedpur (2016-2017). Estimated Cost: Rs.11,45,964.00,
Earnest Money : Rs. 22,920.00 & Time of Completion : Twelve Months.
The opening of envelope-2 for the above work will take place for the qualified bidders in the office of WSM on 14.02.2017 from 11.30Hrs in the presence of tenderers or their representatives, if any.
Sealed tenders are invited from the Contractors working with CPWD, PWD, MES, Railways, Semi-Government Organization, Public Sector Undertakings, Tata Groups or those who have worked for CSIR or its laboratories/Institutes for the work:
Name of the work: Replacement of existing (2 Nos.86TR Units) inefficient Creep Central A. C. Plant with energy efficient Central A. C. Plant in CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur Estimated Cost: Rs.2,24,36,509.00, Earnest Money: Rs. 4,48,750.00 & Time of Completion: Six Months. (Ref:- NIT No. NML/WSM/NIT/03 (22)/2016-2017 dated.16.03.2017)
The last date of submission of tenders will be 10.04.2017 upto 15.00 Hrs.
The opening of envelope-1 took place on 10.04.2017 from 15.30Hrs for the NIT No. NML/WSM/NIT/03 (22)/2016-2017 dated.16.03.2017 for the work “Replacement of existing (2 Nos.86TR Units) inefficient Creep Central A. C. Plant with energy efficient Central A. C. Plant in CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur”. Estimated Cost: Rs.2,24,36,509.00, Earnest Money: Rs. 4,48,750.00 & Time of Completion: Six Months.
The opening of envelope-2 for the above work will take place for the qualified bidders in the office of Engineering Division on 19.05.2017 from 11.00Hrs in the presence of tenderers or their representatives, if any.
NIT No. NML/ENG./WSM/NIT/06 (01)/2017-2018
Sealed tenders are invited from the Contractors working with CPWD, PWD, MES, Railways, Semi-Government Organization, Public Sector Undertakings, Tata Groups or those who have worked for CSIR or its laboratories/Institutes for the following works: -
Name of work: Annual Contract for Miscellaneous Civil Works in Main Lab., LSTF and Mg. Pilot Plant Areas of NML for the year 2017-18 & 2018-19. Estimated Cost: Rs.29,40,521.00, Earnest Money : Rs. 58,810.00 & Time of Completion: Twelve Months.
The last date of submission of tenders will be 27.06.2017 upto 15.00 Hrs.
NIT No. NML/ENG./WSM/NIT/06 (02)/2017-2018
Sealed tenders are invited from the Contractors working with CPWD, PWD, MES, Railways, Semi-Government Organization, Public Sector Undertakings, Tata Groups or those who have worked for CSIR or its laboratories/Institutes for the following works: -
Name of work: Annual Maintenance Contract for electrical works, Operation & Maintenance of pumps, D. G. Set in housing complexes of NML for the year 2017-18 & 2018-19. Estimated Cost: Rs.15,51,402.00, Earnest Money: Rs.31,030.00 & Time of Completion: Twelve Months.
The last date of submission of tenders will be 27.06.2017 upto 15.00 Hrs.
NIT No. NML/ENG./WSM/NIT/06 (03)/2017-2018
Sealed tenders are invited from the Contractors working with CPWD, PWD, MES, Railways, Semi-Government Organization, Public Sector Undertakings, Tata Groups or those who have worked for CSIR or its laboratories/Institutes for the following works: -
Name of work: Annual Maintenance Contract for electrical works, Comprehensive Maintenance & Operation of D. G. Set in Main Laboratory, LSTF & Mg. Project Area of CSIR-NML for the year 2017-18 & 2018-19. Estimated Cost: Rs.10,82,345.00, Earnest Money: Rs. 21,650.00 & Time of Completion: Twelve Months.
The last date of submission of tenders will be 27.06.2017 upto 15.00 Hrs.
NIT No. NML/ENG./WSM/NIT/06 (04)/2017-2018
Sealed tenders are invited from the Contractors working with CPWD, PWD, MES, Railways, Semi-Government Organization, Public Sector Undertakings, Tata Groups or those who have worked for CSIR or its laboratories/Institutes for the following works: -
Name of work: “Annual Contract for Horticultural work and associated up-keeping of NML Main Campus, LSTF, Mg. Pilot Plant & Director’s Bungalow, Jamshedpur (2017-18 & 2018-19)”. Estimated Cost: Rs.22,28,765.00, Earnest Money: Rs. 44,600.00 & Time of Completion: Twelve Months.
The last date of submission of tenders will be 28.06.2017 upto 15.00 Hrs.