Promotion of Science
School–NML Interactive Programme (SNIP):
Under this programme, CSIR-NML inviting Jamshedpur based local school like, the stakeholder from State government, NGO school, Missionaries and minorities trust etc. The medium of communication is provided as per the choice of student for their convenience. The purposes of this programme is to inculcate interest towards science and motivate them to pursue carrier in science stream in near future.

Jigyasa Programme
This programme has been recently launched and running under the collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resources Development and Council of Scientific & Industrial Research. The moto of the this programme is to connecting Kendriya Vidhyalaya School and scientists to extend the classroom learning of students with experimental education in research laboratory environment “JIGYASA” aim to inculcate the culture of inquisitiveness on one hand and scientific temper on the other amongst the school students and their teachers.
Industrial Sponsored Students– NML Interactive Programme
The objective of this programme to invite diploma holder students of various engineering branches like Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Civil Engineering and Metallurgy. Our objective is to acquaint participants with state of the state of the art equipment, its operational function and practical exposures. Our efforts are to increasing their skill, so that they can work more efficiently and simultaneously motivate them to increase educational qualification to achieve better job prospect in future.
Teachers-NML Interactive Programme
The objective of this programme is to provide exposure of R&D Laboratory environment to school teachers. It facilitates teachers to get opportunities to developed their knowledge base through observing various R&D activities pertaining to developing process, invent products and services in the area of minerals, metals, metallurgy and materials science to the minerals based and allied industries as well as the relevance and importance of natural resource for the development of country.