Power and Duties
Power and Duties of officers
Director is the Executive Head of the Laboratory and has the following responsibilities:
- Realizing the mission of the National Laboratory
- Creating an environment in the National Laboratory conducive to nurturing innovation and high-class R&D and other S&T activities of the laboratory
- Managing the affairs of the National Laboratory as per the decisions of the Management Council
- Director shall in all matters have the power delegated to him by the Governing Body
Controller of Administration (COA/AO)
COA/AO coordinates all the administrative functions ranging from recruitment to payment of pensions to the retired employees. Administrative functions include recruitment and assessment, service matters, payment of salaries, bills, general matters, safety and security, vigilance and legal matters, medical services, estate management, etc.
Controller of Finance and Accounts Officer (COFA)
COFA co-ordinates the activities relating to preparation of the budget and budgetary control, preparation of monthly classified abstracts and monthly consolidated accounts, annual accounts and balance sheet through computerised accounting system i.e., IMPACT (Integrated Management and Project Accounting), maintenance of Diary Register, Audit Registers, Objection Book (OB), Cash Book, Cheque Book register, Cheque Issue Register, maintenance of Valuable Register, issue of receipts, Receipt Stock Register, GPF/CPF ledgers/broadsheets, long term advances/broadsheets, pre-audit of bills and recording of corrective actions taken on deficiencies found in the procedure during the audit and making payment through cheques.
Heads of Divisions / Centres (HoD/HoC)
- HoD/HoC acts as the facilitator for running the R&D/S&T projects and programmes of the respective Division / Centre
- Control of job allocation and supervision of Division’s/Centre’s activities
- Granting and recommending leave of his/her staff members
Group Leader
- GL acts as the facilitator for running the Groups of the respective Division/Centre
- Control of job allocation and supervision of Group activities
- They report to HoD/HoC
Major duties and responsibilities of Scientists are to carry out R&D/S&T activities leading to a Project/Programme of the Laboratory as per the approved mandate. They report to Group Leaders.
Technical Officer
TO assist scientists to perform their duties. They report to their respective GL or HOD.
Power and Duties of other employees
Technical/ Administrative staff
Director is the Executive Head of the Laboratory and has the following responsibilities:
- Technical & Support staff members provide technical support to the R&D Scientists
- Project staff offers project-specific activities and reports to Project Leaders
- Administrative staff performs Accounts/Stores Purchase/Security/Laboratory House Keepings activities