Dr. Shobhana Dey
Dr. Shobhana Dey's picture
Name :   Dr.Shobhana Dey
Designation :   Chief Scientist
Contact Information :
  • Email id :  sd@nml.res.in
  • Mobile/Phone no:  06572349020, 09471117866
Educational Qualification :   M.Tech., Ph.D.
Areas of Expertise :   Development of process flowsheet for low grade industrial ores and strategic minerals, Beneficiation of Coal and Minerals, Treatment of Mines Waste, Dry processing, Froth Flotation, Surface Chemistry in mineral processing, Enhanced gravity separation for fines .
No. of Papers Published :   37
  • International :   1. Monica Sahoo & Shobhana Dey, A comparative study on the characterisation and combustion behaviour of high ash coals from two different geographical origins, Fuel, 286 (2021)119397. 2. Shobhana Dey, L. Sahu, B. Chaurasia, B Nayak, 2020, Prospects of utilization of waste dumped low-grade limestone for iron making: A case study, Int. J. Mining Science & Technology, 30, 367–372. 3. Laxmikanta Sahu, Sumantra Bhattacharya and Shobhana Dey, 2020, The use of release analysis to show the selectivity of reagents towards differently sized feeds of the same coal, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, doi.org/10.1080/19392699.2020.1789975. 4. Shobhana Dey, Binish Chaurasia & Laxmikanta Sahu, 2020, Dry processing of high ash Indian coal by air fluidized vibrating deck, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, doi.org/10.1080/19392699.2020. 5. Shobhana Dey, L. Sahu, B. Chaurasia, B Nayak, 2020, Prospects of utilization of waste dumped low-grade limestone for iron making: A case study, Int. J. Mining Science & Technology, 30, 367–372. 6. L. Sahu, S. Bhattacharya, and S. Dey, 2019, Release analysis of coal fines: Evolution of the methodology and critical issues involved, The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 119, 595-606. 7. Laxmikanta Sahu and Shobhana Dey, 2017, Enrichment of carbon recovery of high ash coal fines using air fluidized vibratory deck separator, Int J Coal Sci Technol, 4(3), 262–273. 8. Shobhana Dey, Manoj K Mohanta, Ratnakar Singh, 2017, Mineralogy and textural impact on beneficiation of goethitic ore, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27, 445–450. 9. R. Singh, S Dey and N Singh, 2016, Performance of Different Classes of Organic Compounds as Frother in De-ashing of Indian Coking Coal by Froth Flotation, TIIM, 70(2), 433-442. 10. Shobhana Dey, Gangadhar B.and S. Gopalkrishna, 2015, Amenability to dry processing of high ash thermal coal using a pneumatic table, Inter. Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 25(6) 955-961. 11. Shobhana Dey, Santosh Pani, Ratnakar Singh, Gayna Manjari Paul, 2015, Response of process parameters for processing of iron ore slime using column flotation, Inter Journal of Mineral Processing 140, 58–65. 12. Shobhana Dey, Santosh Pani and Ratnakar Singh, 2014, Study of interactions of frother blends and its effect on coal flotation, Powder Technology, 260, 78–83. 13. Shobhana Dey, Manoj Kumar Mohanta, Manik Chand Goswami and Santosh Pani, 2014, Recovery of Iron Values from Waste Manganiferous Iron Ore Fines for Pellet Making, Jr. Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 2, 513-521. 14. Ranjeet Kumar Singh, Shobhana Dey, Manoj Kumar Mohanta and Avimanyu Das, 2014, Enhancing the Utilization Potential of a Low Grade Chromite Ore through Extensive Physical Separation, Separation Science and Technology, 49: 1937–1945. 15. Shobhana Dey, Gyana Manjari Paul, Santosh Pani, 2013, Flotation behaviour of weathered coal in mechanical and column flotation cell, Powder Technology, 246; 689-694. 16. Sujit Kumar Dey, Shobhana Dey, Avimanyu Das, 2013, Comminution features in an impact hammer mill, Powder Technology, 235; 914-920. 17. Shobhana Dey, 2012, Enhancement in hydrophobicity of oxidized/ low rank coal by surfactants – a critical overview, Fuel Processing Technology, 94, 151-158. 18. Shobhana Dey, Santosh Pani and A. Das, 2012, Scavenging of High-Value Product from High-Ash Medium Coking Coal: A Compulsion for Less Endowed Regions, Inter. Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 32(5) 238-251. 19. Shobhana Dey, Santosh Pani, 2012, Effective Processing of Low-Volatile Medium Coking Coal Fines of Indian Origin using Different Process Variables of Flotation, Inter. Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 32(6) 253-263. 20. Shobhana Dey, Santosh Pani, M.K Mohanta and Ratnakar Singh, 2012, Recovery of iron values from slimes- A Future prospective, Separation Science and Technology, vol. 47, 5.796-776 20. Shobhana Dey and K.K. Bhattacharyya, June 2007, Split and collectorless flotation of medium coking coal fines for multi-product zero waste concept, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 88, (6), 585-590. 21. Shobhana Dey and S. Bhattacharya, 2007, Effect of frother type in collectorless flotation of two high rank coking coals of Gondwana origin, Coal Preparation, 27, 1, 4-27. 22. S. Bhattacharya and Shobhana Dey, 2007, Evaluation of frother performance in coal flotation- A critical review of existing methodologies, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, vol. 12 (2-4), 108-129. 23. S. Bhattacharya and Shobhana Dey, 2003, Collectorless flotation of a Composite feed, Mines Metals & Fuels, 51(1-2), 112-118. 24. Shobhana Dey and S.Bhattacharya, 2003, Collectorless flotation of a Coking coal, Trans. IIM, 105-110. 25. R.P. Bhagat, B .Banerjee, R.K. Kanwar and Shobhana Dey, 2001, Beneficiation tests on Bauxite incorporating magnetic separation, Trans. IMM, Sec C- Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, Vol. 110, C165-C168. 26. Shobhana Dey, R.P. Bhagat, R.K. Kanwar and B. Banerjee, 2001, Comparative studies on beneficiation of Bauxite Samples for application in refractory industry, International J. Metals Materials and Processes, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1-8. 27. P.N. Pathak, Shobhana Dey, D.S. Rao and N.N. Das, 2000, Recycling: An alternative to disposal-A case study on ferro chrome slag, J. Metallurgical and Materials Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 4, 249-253. 28. Shobhana Dey and S. Bhattacharya, 1998, Comparative performance analysis of frothers, International J. of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgical Review, Vol. 18, 201-213. 29. Shobhana Dey, S. Bhattacharya and K.K.Bhattacharya, 1997, Collectorless flotation of coal with two-stage addition of pine oil, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing (SME,) 13-16.
  • National :   1. K V Rao and S Dey, 2006, Comparative studies of frothers vis-à-vis lowering of ash content in a coking coal from West Bokharo, India, IE (I) , Jr. MN, 87, 10-12. 2. R. Singh, S Dey and N Singh, 2016, Performance of Different Classes of Organic Compounds as Frother in De-ashing of Indian Coking Coal by Froth Flotation, TIIM, 70(2), 433-442. 3. Sumantra Bhattacharya, Divya Jyoti, Laxmikanta Sahu, Shobhana Dey, Harish Singh, 2016, Flotation of Low Volatile Coking Coal Fines, Trans Indian Inst Met ,70(2)21-32. 4. Sumantra Bhattacharya, Divya Jyoti, Laxmikanta Sahu, Shobhana Dey, Harish Singh, 2016, Flotation of Low Volatile Coking Coal Fines, Trans Indian Inst Met ,70(2)21-32. 5. Shobhana Dey and P.N. Pathak, 2005, Comparative studies of amenability to processing of Graphite from different sources, Trans. IIM, vol. 58, No. 5, 905-910. 6. R.P. Bhagat and Shobhana Dey, 1999, Flocculation of Iron ore slimes from Joda and Kiruburu mines, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, Vol. 6, 280-284. 7. P.N. Pathak, Shobhana Dey, D.S. Rao and N.N. Das, 2000, Recycling: An alternative to disposal-A case study on ferro chrome slag, J. Metallurgical and Materials Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 4, 249-253.7. 8. Shobhana Dey and K.K Bhattacharyya, 1995, Effect of frothers on fine coal flotation, Indian Mining and Engineering, 33-36.
No.of.Patents :   (i) A novel air generating system for improved performance of column flotation cell. Patent filed No. PAT-0552/2018/IN Inventors: Shobhana Dey, Prasanta Baskey and Ratnakar Singh (ii) A process the recovery of magnetite and iron from bauxite residue by segregation roasting Patent No. 201711032401/IN Inventors: Maitreyee Bhattacharya, S. Ranganathan, Shobhana Dey
  • Awarded :   --
  • Filed :   --
No.of.Technologies :   • Technology for dry beneficiation of high ash Indian non-coking coal to produce clean coal with 34% ash for power plant towards the set up a demo plant in MCL premises. • Beneficiation of dumped limestone containing high silica to produce product having less than 2% silica for iron making application. • Processing of Hatti gold tailing for recovery of Tungsten concentrate. • Beneficiation of low grade limestone for cement making • Alternative complimentary route of Direct Steel Making with reference to Indian Raw materials
  • Developed :   --
  • Transferred :   --
Equipment/Software Skills :   Air Fluidized vibrating deck separator, Air Table, Column Flotation, Dry and wet Mineral Processing separators etc.

Awards and Recognitions :   i. Best In-house project titled “Processing of waste printed circuit board” awarded by CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur in 2008. ii. Prestigious National Research Foundation (NRF) Fellowship provided by South Africa Government in 2008. Editorial member • Journal of Energy and Natural Resources from 2016 • Journal of Mineral, Metal and Material Engineering from 2017 • Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science from 2020