The scrutiny of credentials of submitted tenders took place on 27.06.2017 from 15.30 Hrs by opening of envelope-1 for the following works :-
NIT No. NML/ENG./WSM/NIT/06 (01)/2017-2018 dated.12.06.2017 Name of work: Annual Contract for Miscellaneous Civil Works in Main Lab., LSTF and Mg. Pilot Plant Areas of NML for the year 2017-18 & 2018-19. Estimated Cost: Rs.29,40,521.00,
Earnest Money : Rs. 58,810.00 & Time of Completion: Twelve Months.
NIT No. NML/ENG./WSM/NIT/06 (02)/2017-2018 dated.12.06.2017 Name of work: Annual Maintenance Contract for electrical works, Operation & Maintenance of pumps, D. G. Set in housing complexes of NML for the year 2017-18 & 2018-19. Estimated Cost: Rs.15,51,402.00, Earnest Money: Rs.31,030.00 & Time of Completion: Twelve Months.
NIT No. NML/ENG./WSM/NIT/06 (03)/2017-2018 dated.12.06.2017 Name of work: Annual Maintenance Contract for electrical works, Comprehensive Maintenance & Operation of D. G. Set in Main Laboratory, LSTF & Mg. Project Area of CSIR-NML for the year 2017-18 & 2018-19. Estimated Cost: Rs.10,82,345.00, Earnest Money: Rs. 21,650.00 & Time of Completion: Twelve Months.
The opening of envelope-2 for the above works will be take place for the qualified bidders in the office of Engineering Division on 04.07.2017 from 15.00Hrs in the presence of tenderers or their representatives, if any.